The information on this website is intended for general information purposes only. No rights can be derived from the information on this website. Although Gendertalent takes care in compiling and maintaining this website and uses sources that are considered reliable, we cannot guarantee the accuracy, completeness and topicality of the information provided. GenderTalent does not guarantee that the website will function without errors or interruption or will be free of viruses. GenderTalent explicitly rejects any liability with regard to the availability, correctness, completeness, topicality of the information offered and the (uninterrupted) use of this website.
It is not allowed to use this website in a way that could hinder other internet users or otherwise affect the proper functioning of this website, the information presented on it or the underlying software.
The Gendertalent website contains user content, links to third party websites. We accept no liability and no responsibility for the content, use or availability of content and websites of third parties. The use of such links is at your own risk. The information on such websites has not been assessed by Gendertalent for accuracy, reasonableness, topicality or completeness.
All intellectual property rights and other rights (such as copyrights on text and image materials) for all information offered on or via this website (including all texts, graphic material and logos) belong to Gendertalent and third parties. It is not permitted to copy, collect, download or in any way publish, distribute or reproduce information on this website without the prior written consent of Gielen Juridisch Advies. However, you may print and/or download information on this website for your own personal use. […] Reproduction is only permitted with the permission of the rights holders. All rights reserved.
It may happen that there is a weak spot in one of our systems. If you discover a vulnerability, we ask you to report it as soon as possible so that we can take the necessary measures.
We ask you to:
As soon as possible after discovering the vulnerability, report it to us
Email your findings to security@gendertalent.com
Provide enough information to reproduce the problem so we can fix it as soon as possible. Usually, the IP address or URL of the affected system and a description of the vulnerability is sufficient, but for more complex vulnerabilities more information may be needed.
Leave contact details so that we can get in touch with you and work together to achieve a safe result. Leave at least an email address or phone number.
Do not share the information about the security problem with others until it has been resolved.
Responsible to deal with the knowledge of the security problem by not performing actions that go beyond what is necessary to demonstrate the security problem
Realising that any information from GenderTalent’s systems is covered by the duty of confidentiality and that further disclosure of that information is punishable.
Avoid in any case:
Posting malware
Copying, modifying or deleting data or configurations of a system (an alternative is to create a directory listing or screenshot).
Making changes to the system
Repeatedly accessing the system or sharing the access with others
The use of so-called ‘gross forwarding’ to gain access to systems
the use of denial-of-service attacks or social engineering
You can expect the following from us:
If your report meets the above conditions, we will not attach any legal consequences to this report. We will treat your report as strictly confidential and will not share any personal information with third parties without your consent, unless required by law or court order.
We will send you a confirmation of receipt within 1 working day.
We will respond to your report within 5 working days with our assessment of the report and an expected date for resolution.
We will keep you informed of progress. We will solve the security problem you have identified in a system within a reasonable period of time. In mutual consultation, we will determine when and how this will be published.
If you wish, we can, in mutual consultation, mention your name as the discoverer of the reported vulnerability.
As a thank you for your help, we offer a playful reward for every report of an unknown and serious security problem. The reward will never be in monetary form.
We have the right to change the information provided, including this disclaimer, at any time without further notice. It is advisable to regularly check whether the information provided on or via this website, including this disclaimer, has changed. This website and the disclaimer are governed by Dutch law. All disputes arising from or in connection with this disclaimer will exclusively be submitted to the competent court within the district of Gendertalent.
Privacy statement:
Effective date and modification
In providing our services, we process your personal data. In order to inform you how we handle your personal data, we have drawn up this privacy statement.
This privacy statement was last amended on 01-04-2020.
Genderness or her affiliated organizations may amend this privacy statement. New versions are always published on the website. We therefore advise you to consult this statement regularly so that you are kept informed of any changes.
Contact details
Personal data is processed by:
Genderness, trading under the brandnames (and legal forms) Genderness, Gendertalent, Genderflex and Genderclinic and the Catharina Anastasia Foundation, registered with the Chamber of Commerce under respectively 72079754, 72416696, 72079770, 72079762 and 66336007. Hereafter called as Genderness and her affiliated organizations.
Based at Kaap Hoorndreef 34, 3563 AT in Utrecht, to be reached via compliancy@genderness.com.
The data protection officer within Genderness is Bregtje Catharina, who can be reached at the general number of Genderness and her affiliated organizations and at compliancy@genderness.com and +31 20 244 20 00.
When entering into an agreement, of Genderness and her affiliated organizations informs clients about the content of these privacy regulations. of Genderness and her affiliated organizations makes it easy to obtain a copy of the privacy regulations.
The use of personal data
Due to the nature of our services, we have certain information about you. These are, for example, the information you provide to us via the website, email, telephone and app. When processing your data, your interests come first. We always comply with the Data Protection Act. Genderwende complies with the obligation to report data leaks and informs the client of the reports to the Personal Data Authority (AP) and the way in which the client can take cognizance of these.
In this privacy statement we have listed how we handle your personal data. You can read which data we use how and what influence you have on it. This privacy statement applies to the information we process about you. We protect your privacy and personal information, as well as that of all our customers and all visitors to the websites and online systems available via genderness.*, genderclinic.* and gendertalent.*, with the greatest possible care. We will inform you about the content of these privacy regulations in every agreement we enter into with you, your organisation if applicable. You can find these regulations via our website(s).
Persons or organizations that cooperate with Genderness and/ or her affiliated organizations obtain personal data from you. In addition, we may obtain your personal data through third parties (such as municipalities, UWV, the company for which you work, medical centres or GGZ institutions) in the context of our services, only after formal consent from you.
Genderness and her affiliated organizations process the following categories of personal data:
Name and address details
Contact details, such as e-mail address and telephone numbers
Date and place of birth
Citizen service number, only if required by the organisation paying for the route
Passport photo, for profile on the website of staff members and ambassadors or for your individual C.V.
Data concerning your employment or employment history
Functional possibilities and load capacity
Sickness reports
Data in a plan of action
Conversation reports
(Internal) training and certification
Labor expert reports
Restrictions and impediments arising from medical process
Medical history
Content of communication
IP address
Cookies are used on the website to improve online services. Cookies are used to process your IP address and the system information of your device. For more information about these cookies, please consult our cookie statement.
Some parts of our websites send a ‘cookie’ to your computer. This recognises your computer when you revisit this website. For more information about cookies, please visit www.cookiecentral.com. You can also choose to delete the cookies placed on your device. If you delete cookies, it is possible that you will not be able to use certain services (anymore).
Necessary cookies
Some cookies are necessary for genderness.com, gendertalent.com, genderflex.com, genderclinic.com to function better. For example, you do not have to provide certain information over and over again, such as your user name and preferences.
Improving website and services
In addition to the necessary cookies, we use cookies to make the website better and more user-friendly. With the information these cookies collect, we examine how we can improve the website and our services. We use these cookies to track the surfing behaviour of visitors. The data we use cannot be traced back to 1 person. The cookies are not used by other parties than Genderness and her affiliated organizations. The following information is then recorded: the IP address, the type and language of the browser, the time of the visit and the web address from which you reached our website, the pages you view, the links you click on and the other actions you take.
Google analytics
Through our website, a cookie is placed by the U.S. company Google, as part of the “Analytics” service. We use this service to keep track of and receive reports on how visitors use the website. Google may provide this information to third parties if Google is legally obliged to do so, or if third parties process the information on Google’s behalf. We have no influence on this. We have not allowed Google to use the obtained analytics information for other Google services. The information that Google collects is anonymized as much as possible. Your IP address is explicitly not given. The information is transferred to and stored by Google on servers in the United States.
Social media
Our website includes buttons to promote (“like”) or share (“tweet”) web pages on social networks such as Facebook and Twitter. These buttons work through bits of code that come from these social networks themselves. Cookies are placed by means of this code. We have no influence on this. Read the privacy statement of the social networks (which may change regularly) to read what they do with your (personal) data that they process via these cookies. The information they collect is made anonymous as much as possible. The information may be transferred by the social networks and stored on servers in the United States.
Genderness and her affiliated organizations process these personal data for various purposes, such as:
Maintaining contact;
Providing a good and efficient service;
Management of the contact and client database;
Performing administrative tasks, such as planning;
Offering customised assistance;
The reintegration or guidance of employees or benefit recipients in connection with illness or disability, the coming out of or career issues;
The provision of participation in events, education and training courses;
Improvement of services;
Reporting and analysis for accountability to clients and the improvement of services;
Invoicing and compensation payments;
Collecting funds and taking collection measures;
Compliance with legal obligations;
Scientific research
We want to be transparent about what data we use for what and when. In order to provide you with the best possible service, it is important that we have insight into which services you purchase from us. We link the information we have from you in order to be able to answer your questions, reports and complaints quickly and adequately.
When you register, we will ask you for additional personal information, such as your e-mail address, name, home or work address or a telephone number. When you actually sign up for services, we will ask for additional information, such as your bank account number, proof of identity number, profile or demographic and relevant health care information or reports from third parties.
In order to be able to meet our reporting and invoicing obligations towards clients, Genderness and her affiliated organizations draws up reports that include how many sessions and training sessions have been given to people, but does not include substantive discussion reports. Genderness and her affiliated organizations only provides these detailed reports to clients who are affiliated with you.
In order to be able to help you as much as possible, it may be relevant to have more insight into your medical data. For these more privacy-sensitive categories of data, we may only use these data for purposes other than those necessary for the execution of a contract or to comply with a legal obligation with your explicit consent. For example, you may use your background information to offer you a good coaching program. In these cases, we will always ask you for your prior consent before we use your details for this purpose. If you do not want your details to be used for this purpose, you can withhold your permission without this having consequences for the use of the service.
Insofar as data is provided for the purpose of policy or (scientific) research, this will only be done in such anonymised and aggregated form that it can in no way be traced back to an individual. We do this so that we can improve our assistance processes and so that we can provide feedback and advice to clients by means of anonymous reports on client satisfaction and the results of the processes. The aim of this processing is to make trans persons’ labour market position transparent, the underlying factors and thus to be able to make good interventions in our own services and in advice to, for example, municipalities, companies and governments in dealing with trans persons.
We process certain personal data in order to execute the agreement with you, or to be able to comply with a legal obligation, such as, for example, obligations based on social security law. We also find it important that our services are personal, transparent and secure. We are constantly improving and want to match your personal needs and interests as much as possible at the most relevant moment. This information may include tips on products you use, newsletters or interesting offers.
We also process personal data, because of Genderness and her affiliated organizations has legitimate interests. These legitimate interests are:
The protection of its financial interests;
The improvement of its services;
The security and management of its online systems and your access to them;
Giving you information for your relevant services;
If personal data is processed on the basis of consent, that consent will be requested separately.
Provision to third parties
As part of its services of Genderness and her affiliated organizations may exchange personal data. Genderness and her affiliated organizations may use the services of third parties for the aforementioned purposes, such as the IT suppliers of our website and our systems, testing agencies or freelancers. In this context, personal data is provided to these third parties. These third parties may only process your personal data for the aforementioned purposes. To this end, we have entered into processing agreements with all these parties.
Finally, your personal data can be provided to third parties when Genderness and her affiliated organizations has to comply with a legal obligation. Genderness and her affiliated organizations will not provide your data to third parties for commercial or charitable purposes.
Transfer of your data outside the EEA
Because we work with cloud products from Lastpass and Microsoft products (Dyanmics CE, Dynamics HR, Dynamics Business central & Office365. LinkedIn & Azure Active Directory), we have thoroughly investigated whether your data can be processed outside the EU. First of all, Microsoft complies with the EU-US Privacy Shield. This means that your privacy is guaranteed. However, we have also chosen the option to let Microsoft store your data in Europe. Without our consent, they are not entitled to store your data outside the EU zone. In case of support in case of problems with the functioning of Microsoft’s cloud services, we have chosen for two Dutch management services parties, as a result of which the data of you and our employees will not be accessible to people working or living outside the EU.
In addition, your data may be stored by third parties outside the EU because we use Google Analytics on our website, or through our social media such as LinkedIn or Facebook in the contact with you. These parties are “EU-US Privacy Shield” certified, so they will comply with the European privacy regulations.
Genderness and her affiliated organizations will not process your personal data any longer than necessary for the purposes stated in this privacy statement. This means that your personal data will be kept as long as they are necessary to achieve the purposes in question. Your details will only be stored digitally in an online file. This data will be stored for up to four calendar years after completion of the process.
However, certain data must be stored for a longer period of time because Genderness and her affiliated organizations has to comply with legal retention obligations, such as the 7-year fiscal retention obligation or the 15-year medical retention obligation because of the medical part in your reintegration file. After the retention periods have expired, your personal data will be removed or made anonymous. Anonymisation means that your personal data will be stripped of all possible identifying characteristics. What remains are statistical data that can no longer be linked to your person in any way. These statistical data are important to us because they enable us to gain insight into the use that is made of our services.
We believe it is important that your personal information is protected against loss or unauthorized access. Therefore Genderness and her affiliated organizations has taken appropriate security measures. We work with the cloud solutions of Microsoft. All these parties comply with the strictest standards frameworks such as ISO27001/ ISO27002 and ISO9001 and are audited on a regular basis. We have concluded processing agreements with all parties. Our systems are designed and used optimally by two Dutch parties who provide support. We will also subject our own processes and conduct external audits in the first half of 2018 (ISO9001/ customer satisfaction). Although we are not obliged to appoint a Data Protection Officer, we have decided to do so because your interests come first in our actions.
Genderness and her affiliated organizations informs all persons involved in the execution of assignments of Genderness and her affiliated organizations about these privacy regulations and the treatment of data. Genderness and her affiliated organizations ensures that these persons comply with the privacy aspects mentioned in these regulations.
Genderness and her affiliated organizations only saves the data in the relevant client file, which can be done in writing as well as digitally. Genderness and her affiliated organizations takes such measures that these data are only accessible to the employee(s) charged with carrying out the work. This means that only the support employee and care worker can process your general contact details. Medical data and interviews are only accessible to you and your care worker(s).
Genderness and her affiliated organizations takes care of appropriate technical and organizational measures to secure customer data against accidental or unlawful destruction, accidental loss, forgery, unauthorized distribution or access, or any other form of unlawful processing.
The employment contract that Genderness and her affiliated organizations concludes with its employees contains a confidentiality clause regarding confidential information. By signing this employment contract, the employee declares to comply with this confidentiality provision. In addition, all persons involved in the execution of assignments of Genderness and her affiliated organizations must comply with the laws and regulations as mentioned in Article A of these privacy regulations. If necessary, these persons shall sign a separate, dated confidentiality statement before commencing execution.
You have the right to access your personal data. This means that you can request what personal information about you has been registered and for what purposes that information will be used. After receiving your request, you will receive an overview of your personal data within 1 month. If this reveals inaccuracies, you can request to adjust, supplement, remove or block your data.
You can also request Genderness and her affiliated organizations to transfer your personal data or you can object to the processing of your personal data due to special personal circumstances.
Questions about this privacy statement or a request about the processing of your personal data can be sent to
Westersingel 21
9718CB ,Netherlands
+31 (0) 20 244 20 00,
Or to: compliancy@genderness.com
In order to prevent abuse of these rights, we ask you to identify yourself when submitting your request by sending a copy of a valid identification document. Do not forget to make your BSN and your passport photo unreadable on the copy. You can, for example, use the ‘CopyID’ app for this.
You can object to the processing of your personal details by Genderness and her affiliated organizations if your personal details are used for purposes other than those necessary for the execution of a contract or to comply with a legal obligation. For example, you can object to the use of your personal data for analysis and marketing activities.
If you have a complaint about the processing of your personal data by Genderness and her affiliated organizations, please let us know. If you do not agree with us, you have the right to submit a complaint to the privacy supervisor, the Personal Data Authority. For this you can contact the Authority Personal Data.
This statement only concerns the processing of personal data on the websites and within the systems of Genderness and her affiliated organizations. Data processing by parties to which we refer falls outside the scope of this Privacy Statement.
General terms and conditions, version 26/07/2017:
Our terms and conditions of Genderhealthcare comply to the Dutch terms algemene voorwaarden van de Geestelijke Gezondheidszorg van de SER.
Complaints, version 21/10/2017:
Client; the (future) client who, by signing the quotation issued by Genderness and her affiliated organizations, orders the agreed upon delivery of products and/or services. Client is defined as anyone who wishes to give or provide an assignment to Genderness and her affiliated organizations for advice or related services, or who wishes to conclude or enter into any agreement of a different nature with Genderness and her affiliated organizations.
Contractor; party which binds itself to the product to be delivered as described in the quotation by drawing the quotation received by the client and returning the order confirmation. Contractor in these General Terms and Conditions is referred to as Genderness and her affiliated organizations.
Assignment confirmation; written acceptance of the unaltered quotation issued by GenderTalent in which the product and/or service to be delivered by GenderTalent is described.
Quotation: the offer to enter into an Agreement, issued by Genderness and her affiliated organizations to the contracting party.
Product and service: the making of analyses, diagnoses, directions for solutions as well as the recording and activities for the implementation thereof as described in these documents.
Agreement: all agreements made as expressed in General Terms and Conditions of Delivery, quotation and other related agreements mentioned in quotation with regard to the product to be delivered.
End User: the natural person or natural person who uses the products and/or services.
Genderness, trading under the brandnames (and legal forms) Genderness, Gendertalent, Genderflex and Genderclinic and the Catharina Anastasia Foundation, registered with the Chamber of Commerce under respectively 72079754, 72416696, 72079770, 72079762 and 66336007.
Genderness Internet site: the Internet site Genderness.com or another Internet address to be indicated by Genderness.
Gendertalent Internet site: the Internet site Gendertalent.com or another Internet address to be indicated by Gendertalent
Genderflex Internet site: the Internet site Genderflex.com or another Internet address to be indicated by Genderflex.
Genderclinic Internet site: the Internet site Genderclinic.com or another Internet address to be indicated by Genderclinic.
Working days: Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. with the exception of public holidays recognised in the Netherlands and holidays announced by Genderness and her affiliated organizations.
With the filing of these General Terms and Conditions at the office of the Chamber of Commerce of Utrecht, all previous and/or deviating terms and conditions and provisions of Genderness and her affiliated organizations have lapsed. The General Terms and Conditions can also be found on the Genderness and her affiliated organizations Internet site.
If any stipulation in these General Terms and Conditions turns out to be null and void or is annulled, all remaining stipulations will remain in full force and effect. Parties will enter into negotiations about a replacement provision that is as close as possible to the intention of the void or annulled provision. The general terms and conditions also apply to agreements that build on the agreements initially concluded with Genderness and her affiliated organizations..
All assignments, both with the client as well as with agents, representatives or other intermediaries, are only carried out on the following conditions, unless expressly agreed otherwise and confirmed in writing by Genderness and her affiliated organizations. Agreed deviations never apply to more than one assignment, unless again confirmed in writing each time.
Agreements with Genderness and her affiliated organizations personnel do not bind Genderness and her affiliated organizations, unless explicitly confirmed in writing by its authorized personnel. By signing the quotation, agreements with the client are considered to have been made by a competent and authorised person within its organisation.
The client acknowledges the applicability of these General Terms and Conditions to all agreements of whatever nature made between the client and the assignee by the mere fact of giving an assignment to Genderness and her affiliated organizations. A mere reference by the client to its own terms and conditions or a standard clause on the letterhead or in the client’s own terms and conditions with the exclusive effect of these own terms and conditions is not sufficient for this purpose.
Parties agree not to use confidential information of the other party or to provide it to third parties, unless this is unavoidable with regard to the observance of these terms and conditions, and is in accordance with the other stipulations in this respect in these general terms and conditions and/or related contracts. The products and/or services of GenderTalent, as well as correspondence and documentation, are considered by the parties as confidential information of Genderness and her affiliated organizations and are acknowledged as such by the client.
The client is not entitled to transfer its rights resulting from the agreement to third parties without the explicit consent of Genderness and her affiliated organizations. The client only derives from the agreement the right to make personal use of the offer as indicated on the offer, unless otherwise agreed upon in writing.
All communication between the client and the contractor may take place electronically, unless otherwise indicated in the general terms and conditions. Correspondence stored by GenderTalent shall serve as proof thereof, unless the client provides proof to the contrary.
The electronic correspondence shall be deemed to have been received on the day of dispatch, unless the contrary is proven by the recipient. If the correspondence has not been received as a result of delivery and/or accessibility problems with regard to the Principal’s electronic mailbox, this shall be at the Principal’s risk, even if the electronic mailbox has been placed with a third party. Genderness and her affiliated organizations is not obliged to send a confirmation of receipt with regard to the correspondence it has received.
Genderness and her affiliated organizations is not liable for misunderstandings, mutilations, delays or improper transmission of orders and communications as a result of the use of internet or any other electronic means of communication in the traffic between Genderness and her affiliated organizations and client.
The postal address for written (registered) correspondence is: Genderness and her affiliated organizations, Westersingel 21, 9718 CB Groningen.
- The support employee has the task and responsibility in consultation with client or his representative and Genderness and her affiliated organizations:
– to arrive at a satisfactory solution in an informal manner and / or;
– to inform and advise the complainant on his request about the possibilities of submitting a complaint via the complaint form;
– to inform about the working method of the Complaints Procedure;
– to assist the client or his representative in formulating the complaint;
– carefully examining the options for resolving the complaint. - When performing the task, the support employee has the authority to do everything that is reasonably necessary for proper supervision of the process in handling a complaint.
The support employee will make agreements with the complainant about the confidentiality of the conversations. - The support employee must act independently and impartially towards the complainant and Genderness and her affiliated organizations, and insofar as he is involved in the complaint, the employee.
The support employee must therefore refrain from conduct on the basis of which suspicion may arise of (the appearance of) partiality and / or the non-independent performance of the position. - If the support employee is or has been involved in a matter to which the complaint relates, or otherwise cannot function independently and impartially due to circumstances in an individual case, this must be reported to Genderness and her affiliated organizations as soon as possible by the support employee. . Genderness and her affiliated organizations will then ensure that another (deputy) support employee is appointed.
- Genderness and her affiliated organizations guarantees that the support employee can perform his job independently and does not disadvantage the support employee because of the way in which the job is performed.
The support employee has the task and responsibility in consultation with client or his representative and Genderness and her affiliated organizations:
– informally arrive at a satisfactory solution and/or;
– to inform and advise the complainant at his request about the possibilities of submitting a complaint via the complaint form;
– to inform the complainant about the working method of the Complaints Procedure;
– assist Talent or its representative in formulating the complaint;
– carefully investigate the possibilities of arriving at a solution to the complaint.
In the performance of the task, the support staff member is authorised to do everything that is reasonably necessary for proper supervision of the process when handling a complaint.
The support staff member will make agreements with the complainant about the confidentiality of the interviews.
The support staff member must act independently and impartially towards the complainant and Genderness and her affiliated organizations as well as the staff member involved in the complaint.
The support staff member must therefore refrain from any behaviour that could give rise to the suspicion of (the appearance of) partiality and/or the non-independence of the position.
If the support staff member is or has been involved in a matter to which the complaint relates, or cannot independently and impartially perform the job in an individual case due to circumstances, the support staff member must report this to Genderness and her affiliated organizations as soon as possible. Genderness and her affiliated organizations will then ensure that another (deputy) support employee is appointed.
Genderness and her affiliated organizations will ensure that the support employee can perform his function independently and will not disadvantage the support employee because of the way in which the function is performed.
- In the event of dissatisfaction, the complainant prefers to first contact the employee or his manager to reach an informal solution.
The complainant will be given the opportunity to discuss his or her dissatisfaction. Other persons will be involved in this discussion if this is conducive to resolving the dissatisfaction and the complainant does not object to it.
If the discussion does not lead to a satisfactory solution of the dissatisfaction, the complainant will be referred to the Genderness and her affiliated organizations Complaints Procedure. The complainant is also referred to the possibility of seeking advice from the support staff member (if the support staff member is not yet in the picture). In consultation with each other, the support staff member and the complainant will try to reach a satisfactory solution in an informal manner.
If the dissatisfaction has not been dispelled, the complainant can (or if the situation arises that the complainant does not (dare to) turn directly to the staff member) make his complaint known to the Genderness and her affiliated organizations or support staff member to which Genderness and her affiliated organizations or support staff member is affiliated. When filing a complaint, the complainant can appeal for support from the support employee. This support consists of the support employee assisting the complainant in formulating the (oral) complaint.
A complaint must be submitted to Genderness and her affiliated organizations in writing via a dated complaints form.
The date on which the complaint is submitted to Genderness and her affiliated organizations via the complaint form and thus received by Genderness and her affiliated organizations is considered the formal starting date of the complaints procedure.
After receipt of the written complaint, Genderness and her affiliated organizations sends the complaint to the support employee for further processing (if he or she was not yet involved).
The complainant will be declared inadmissible if:
a complaint relates to other dissatisfaction than is defined in the definitions in the Genderness and her affiliated organizations Complaints Procedure; –
a complaint is submitted by a person other than the circle of persons who may submit a complaint on the basis of Article 1 of the Complaints Procedure.
In the event that the complainant is inadmissible in his complaint, Genderness and her affiliated organizations will confirm this in writing to the person lodging the complaint.
If the complaint relates to persons other than Genderness and her affiliated organizations, Genderness and her affiliated organizations will ensure that the handling is transferred to the person to whose actions the complaint relates, unless the complainant has not given permission for this.
The support employee will contact the complainant in order to determine, in consultation with the complainant, how the complaint can best be handled.
The complainant will receive written confirmation of the submitted complaint within 2 weeks. This confirmation must at least include: a brief description of the complaint (including date, place and special circumstances) the further handling of the complaint and the period within which the complaint is expected to be handled.
When handling the complaint, the support staff member will apply both sides of the argument, whereby the support staff member will ensure that if the complaint (partly) concerns an employee, this person can also be given the opportunity to give his opinion on the complaint.
The support staff member will keep the complainant and Genderness and her affiliated organizations informed in writing of the progress of the handling of the complaint.
The support staff member will try to reach a solution to the complaint through mediation.
A complaint will be dealt with within a period of 6 weeks after the date of receipt, whereby there is a possibility to extend this period, stating reasons. The complainant will be informed in writing, stating the reasons, of the findings of the investigation into the complaint, as well as of any further measures that may be taken as a result of the complaint submitted. The decision(s) or any measure(s) taken in relation to the complaint, which is (are) relevant to the complainant or the staff concerned, should be notified to them as soon as the decision(s) or measures have been taken.
GenderTalent assumes that the complainant agrees with the decision.
A complaint must be submitted within a reasonable period of time after the complainant is aware or could reasonably have been aware that the conduct of Genderness and her affiliated organizations could result in a complaint as referred to in the Complaints Procedure.
The complainant will receive the letter as referred to in paragraph 3 as soon as possible, but at the latest within six weeks after the date on which the complaint was submitted to Genderness and her affiliated organizations.
If, in the opinion of Genderness and her affiliated organizations, the required careful investigation of a complaint requires this, the term as referred to in the previous paragraph may be extended by a maximum of four weeks.
If it turns out to be impossible to reach a solution to the complaint within the terms mentioned in this article, the term can be extended by Genderness and her affiliated organizations by as much longer as necessary, provided the complainant has agreed to the extension in writing.
If the complaint has not been settled to the complainant’s satisfaction, there is the possibility to file the complaint with a third party. In the case of the UWV, the UWV is the point of contact for this. Otherwise, GenderTalent refers to the NOLOC or the Disputes Committee.
Genderness and her affiliated organizations ensures that the regulation is made known to the general public, and Talent in particular, among other things by mentioning it on its own website and by verbally pointing out the existence of the Genderness and her affiliated organizations Complaints Procedure in the event of a complaint.
Genderness and her affiliated organizations informs employees and others about the Genderness and her affiliated organizations Complaints Procedure and asks and supports them to act in accordance with it.
The persons involved in the handling of a complaint are obliged to observe confidentiality with regard to (personal) data obtained, the confidential nature of which is known or should reasonably be deemed to be known. This means that this information may not be provided to third parties.
Exceptions to the obligation of confidentiality are permitted if a statutory regulation, a final judicial decision or ex officio obligations require disclosure.