Genderhealthcare Genderclinic Genderteam Gendercare Genderaffirming

Genderteam Genderhealthcare provides transgender care, gendercare and mental health treatment for trauma, depression and anxiety to transgender and non-binary people in the Netherlands at its locations in Utrecht and Groningen.

Our genderteam and genderclinic promises for gender-affirming gendercare

Genderhealthcare fit to measure

Our care forms itself to your needs

Genderhealthcare fit to measure

We support transgender and genderdiverse persons and work together to form the best way to go through their transition. We coordinate the treatment with you within our team. You will have the possibility to work online, face to face or a mix between the two. For certain appointments there is a strong preference to physically be present, but this will be discussed with you. You can reach our customer support from 8 am to 8 pm and on Saturdays via telephone, whatsapp or our social media. Our psychologists are present during regular working days between 9:00 and 17:30.


We are specialists in genderhealtcare


Our organization is specialized in (trans)genderhealthcare. That means our medical specialists are trained to help trans and gender diverse individuals. Our organization is also led by people who know the problems of these people from close by. The LGBTQIA+ community is strongly represented in our team, which means that our team can provide you with the best gender health care.

Genderhealthcare network

Network of collaboration partners

Genderhealthcare network

Genderhealthcare is specialized in the medical part of your transition. Together with Genderhealthclinic and other specialized medical care institutions, we offer specialized care for trans and gender diverse people. This network consists of, among others, the Medical Clinic Velsen Noord, MC Bloemendaal and VUmc and UMCG.

Quality care

Our aim: the best gender healthcare

Quality care

You and your wishes are central to the healthcare we provide By listening to the wishes of our clients, we can continuously improve the quality of care we provide to trans and gender diverse individuals. We have set up a client council to provide us with advice from the client’s perspective. In addition, from this year we are ISO 9001 certified, which means that our entire business operations have been tested for quality and found to be of a good level. We have worked hard on this over the past year and we are very proud of this!

Number of clients
Client satisfaction
0 Weeks
Employee satisfaction

Our genderclinic’s genderhealthcare and mental health therapies

Click on the photos below for more information

genderhealthcare waitinglist
genderhealthcare discovery diagnose
genderhealthcare Real life fase
genderhealthcare Surgery
genderhealthcare mental healthcare therapy
genderhealthcare Therapy forms
genderhealthcare diagnostics
genderhealthcare trauma therapy
Genderhealthcare Genderclinic Genderteam Gendercare Genderaffirming
Genderhealthcare Genderclinic Genderteam Gendercare Genderaffirming
Genderhealthcare Genderclinic Genderteam Gendercare Genderaffirming
Genderhealthcare Genderclinic Genderteam Gendercare Genderaffirming

What else you might want to know about our genderclinic for your gender-affirming gendercare or for your mentalhealth therapies:

Genderhealthcare’s genderteam helps you to consciously to become who you are

To be able to enroll on our genderclinic waitinglist, ask your GP genderaffirming gendercare or genderhealthcare or for one of our mentalhealth therapies via via Zorgdomein of secure (zorg)mail

Meet our genderteam of our genderclinic and our mental healthcare team:

We would like to introduce you to our enthusiastic team members